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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre

UZH Business Working Paper Series

Die UZH Business Working Paper (WP) Series ist eine Weiterführung bisheriger WP Series der ehemaligen Institute ISU und IOU. Neben dieser Serie werden vom Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (IBW) die Economics of Education WPS sowie die Serie des Center for Research in Sports Administration (CRSA) angeboten. Zu den einzelnen WP Serien gelangen Sie über die folgenden Links: Working Paper Series:

WP-Nr Autoren/Titel
403 Franck, E. (2024): The recent evolution of the European Football Super League Projekt - Is it realistic to introduce self-governance at the top without closing the top?
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402 Jedelhauser, F., Flepp, R., Meier, P.F., Franck, E. (2024): Does Performance Pressure Accentuate Outcome Bias? Evidence from Managerial Dismissals
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401 Mari, A., Mandelli, A., Algesheimer, R. (2024): Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Emerging Technology: Biased and Unbiased Adoption Decision Making
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400 Meier, P. F., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2023): Replication: Do Coaches Stick With What Barely Worked? Evidence of Outcome Bias in Professional Sports
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399 Mari, A., Mandelli, A., Algesheimer, R. (2023): Shopping with Voice Assistants: How Empathy Affects Individual and Family Decision-Making Outcomes
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398 Dietl, H.M., Lang, M. Orlowski, J., Wegelin P. (2023): The Effect of the Initial Distribution of Labor-Related Property Rights on the Allocative Efficiency of Labor Markets
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397 Jedelhauser, F., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2022): Overshadowed by popularity: The value of second-tier stars in European football
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396 Meier,P.F., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2022): Expectations Misled by Chance? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Financial Analysts
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395 Zhu, X., Lang, M., Dietl, H. (2022): Content Quality Assurance on Media Platform with User-Generated Content
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394 Pfaff, D., Ruffing-Straube, P., Staubli, D. (2022): Entwicklung der straflosen Selbstanzeigen im Zuge der Einführung des automatischen Informationsaustauschs in der Schweiz
393 Meier, P.F., Flepp, R., Oesch, D. (2022): May Bad Luck Be Without You: The Effect of CEO Luck on Strategic Risk-taking
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392 Meier, P.F., Flepp, R., Meier, P.Franck, E. (2022): Outcome Bias in Self-evaluations: Quasi-experimental Field Evidence of Swiss Driving License Exams
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391 Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Dietl, H., Berri, D., Nesseler, C. (2022): Gender Bias in Perceived Quality. An Experiment with Elite Soccer Performance
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390 Flepp, R., Merz, O., Franck, E. (2021): When the league table lies: Does coutcome bias lead to informationally inefficient markets?
389 Flepp, R. (2021): Uninformative Performance Signals and Forced CEO Turnover
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388 Pull, K., Pferdmenges, B., Backes-Gellner, U. (2020): Composition of junior research groups and PhD completion rate: disciplinary differences and policy implications
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387 Meier, P.F., Flepp, R., Franck, E.P. (2020): Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
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386 Özdemir, A., Dietl, H., Rossi, G., Simmons, R. (2020): Are Workers Rewarded for Inconsistent Performance?
385 Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M., Franck, E.P. (2020): The effect of paper versus realized losses on subsequent risk-taking: Field evidence from casino gambling
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384 Merz, O., Flepp, R., Franck, E.P. (2019): Sonic Thunder vs Brian the Snail : Fast-sounding racehorse names and prediction accuracy in betting exchange markets
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383 Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M., Franck, E.P. (2019): Investigating the conditions for psychological momentum in the field: Evidence from men’s professional tennis
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382 Meier, P., Flepp, R., Rüdisser, M., Franck, E. P. (2019): The advantage of scoring just before the halftime break – pure myth? Quasi-experimental evidence from European football
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381 Merz, O., Franck, E. P. (2019): Does sentiment harm market efficiency? An empirical analysis using a betting exchange setting
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380 Flepp, R., Franck, E. P. (2020): The performance effects of wise and unwise managerial dismissals
379 Backes-Gellner, U., Bäker, A., Pull, K. (2018): The opportunity costs of becoming a dean: Does leadership in academia crowd out research?
Available at SSRN
378 Backes-Gellner, U. (2018): Rankings upon rankings – and no end in sight Discussion of “Quantitative and Qualitative Rankings of Scholars” by Rost and Frey
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377 Franck, E. (2018): European club football after "five treatments" with Financial Fair Play - time for an assessment
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376 Dietl, H., Özdemir, A., Rendall, A. (2018): The Role of Physical Attractiveness in Tennis TV-Viewership
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375 Gloor, J.L., Morf, M.C., Paustian-Underdahl, S., Backes-Gellner, U. (2018): Fix the Game-Not the Dame: A Team Intervention to Restore Gender Equity in Leadership Evaluations
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374 Brechot, M., Flepp, R. (2018): Dealing with randomness in match outcomes: how to rethink performance evaluation and decision-making in European club football
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373 Meuer, J., Angstmann, M., Troester, Ch., Backes-Gellner, U., Pull, K. (2018): Embeddedness and the Repatriation Intention of Assigned and Self-Initiated Expatriates
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372 Meuer, J., Kluike, M., Backes-Gellner, U., Pull, K. (2018): Using expatriates for adapting subsidiaries' employment modes to different market economies: a comparative analysis of US subsidiaries in Germany, the UK and Switzerland
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371 Nesseler, C., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Del Corral, J. (2017): The Role of African Americans in the Executive Labor Market: The Case of Head Coaching in College Basketball
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370 Dietl, H. (2017): Raiffeisen für die Zukunft: Traditionelles Geschäftsmodell für Geschäftsfelder der Zukunft
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369 Rüdisser, M., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2017): When do reference points update? A field analysis of the effect of prior gains and losses on risk-taking over time
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368 Bizzozero, P., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2018): The effect of fast trading on price discovery and efficiency: Evidence from a betting exchange
367 Pull, K., Pferdmenges, B., Backes-Gellner, U. (2017): Do Research Training Groups Operate at Optimal Size?
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366 Dietl, H., Lang, M., Nesseler, C. (2017): The Impact of Government Subsidies in Professional Team Sports Leagues
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365 Dietl, H., Nesseler, C. (2017): Momentum in tennis: Controlling the match
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364 Dietl, H., Gomez-Gonzalez, C., Nesseler, C. (2017): Are women or men better team managers? Evidence from professional team sports
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363 Beck, M., Lopes Bento, C. (2016): Innovation Outcomes and Partner-Type Selection in R&D Alliances: The Role of Simultaneous Diversification and Sequential Adaptation
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362 Franck, E. (2016): A comment on the newly revised “2015 version” of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations
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361 Backes-Gellner, U., Kluike, M., Pull, K., Schneider, M., Teuber, S. (2015): Human resource management and radical innovation. A fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK
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360 Rüdisser, M., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2015): Do Casinos Pay their Customers to Become Risk-averse? Revising the House Money Effect in a Field Experiment
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359 Dobusch, L., Seidl, D., Werle, F. (2015): Opening up the strategy-making process: comparing open strategy to open innovation
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358 Hummel, K., Ising, P. (2015): Earnings Managment - Does Corporate Sustainability Performance Matter?
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357 Bizzozero, P., Flepp, R., Franck, E. (2015): The Importance of Suspense and Surprise in Entertainment Demand: Evidence from Wimbledon
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356 Schembera, S., Haack, P., Scherrer, A.G. (2015): Making Sense of Decoupling Through Narration: The Case of Fighting Corruption in Global Business
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355 Hummel, K., Schlick, C.:(2015): The Relationship between Sustainability Performance and Sustainability Disclosure Quality – Hard Numbers Beat Smooth Talk
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353 Beck, M., Schenker-Wicki, A., Schönenberger, L.K.:(2015): Making Sustainable Strategy in Complex Management Environments: Proposition for a Systemic and Practice-Oriented Methodology
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352 Schweizer, N., Dietl, H.M.:(2015): Developing a Framework to Identify and Systematise Sources of Inefficiencies in Sports Sponsorship from a Sponsee Perspect
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351 Schweizer, N., Dietl, H.M.:(2015): Outsourcing Sports Sponsorship Activities: A Multi-Theoretical Approach
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350 Schweizer, N., Dietl, H.M.:(2015): Brand Management Throughout Professional Athletes' Careers
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349 Schoenenberger, L.K., Schenker-Wicki, A.(2015): Can System Dynamics Learn from Social Network Analysis?
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348 Brechot, M., Nüesch, S., Franck E. (2014): Does Sports Activity Improve Health? Representative Evidence Using Proximity to Sports Facilities as an Instrument
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347 Beck, M., Lopes Bento, C., Schencker-Wicki, A. (2014): Radical or Incremental: Where Does R and D Policy Hit?
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346 Caves, K., Balestra, S. (2014): The Impact of High School Exit Exams on Graduation Rates and Achievement
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345 Brandes, L., Brechot, M., Franck, E. (2014): Managers’ External Social Ties at Work : Blessing or Curse for the Firm?
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343 Schembera, S., Scherer, A.G. (2014): Organizing Corruption Controls after a Scandal: Regaining Legitimacy in Complex and Changing Institutional Environments
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342 Flepp, R., Nuesch, S., Franck, E.P. (2013): The Liquidity Advantage of the Quote-Driven Markets: Evidence from the Betting Industry
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341 Flepp, R., Nuesch, S., Franck, E.P. (2013): Liquidity, Market Efficiency and the Influence of Noise Traders: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the Betting Industry
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340 Marti, E., Scherer, A.G. (2013): Financial Regulation and Social Welfare: The Critical Contribution of Management Theory
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339 Wickert, C., Scherer, A.G., Spencer L. (2013): Implementing and Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications of Firm Size and Organizational Cost
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338 Pull, K., Backes-Gellner, U.(2013): (Self-)Selection, Incentives and Resources - a Personnel Economics Perspective on Academia and Higher Education
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337 Kaiser, U., Müller, B. (2013): Team Heterogeneity in Startups and its Development over Time
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336 Kaiser, U., Kongsted, H.C., Ronde, T. (2013): Does the Mobility of R and D Labor Increase Innovation?
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335 Dobusch, L. Schoeneborn, D. (2013): Lessons in Fluidity: Anonymous and the Communicative Formation of Organizational Identity
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334 Bertini, M., Halbheer, D., Koenigsberg, O.(2013): Self-Serving Behavior in Price-Quality Competition
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333 Joecks, J., Pull, K., Backes-Gellner, U. (2013): Childbearing and (Female) Research Productivity – A Personnel Economics Perspective on the Leaky Pipeline
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332 Ejsing, A.-K., Kaiser, U., Kongsted, H.C., Laursen, K. (2013): The Role of University Scientist Mobility for Industrial Innovation
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331 Beck, M., Schenker-Wicki, A. (2013): Cooperating with External Partners: The Importance of Diversity for Innovation Performance
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330 Kaiser, U., Méndez, S.J., Ronde, T., Ullrich, H. (2013): Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices: Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark
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329 Halbheer, D., Stahl, F., Koenigsberg, O., Lehmann, D. R. (2013): Digital Content Strategies
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328 Franck, E. (2013): Financial Fair Play in European Club Football – What is it all about?
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327 Janssen, S., Tuor Sartore, S., Backes-Gellner, U. (2014): Discriminatory Social Attitudes and Varying Gender Pay Gaps within Firms
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326 Nigsch, S., Schenker-Wicki, A. (2012): Shaping performance: Do International Accreditations and Quality Management Really Help?
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325 Moog, P., Werner, A., Houweling, S., Backes-Gellner, U. (2012, 2014): The Impact of Skills, Working Time Allocation and Peer Effects on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Scientists
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324 Flepp, R., Nuesch, S., Franck, E.P., (2012): Does Bettor Sentiment Affect Bookmaker Pricing?
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323 Beck, M., Schönenberger, L., Schenker-Wicki, A., (2012): How Managers Can Deal with Complex issues: A Semi-quantitative Analysis Method of Causal Loop Diagrams Based on Matrices
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322 Schönenberger, L., Schenker-Wicki, A., Beck, M. (2012): Analysis of a Terror Network from a System Dynamics Perspective
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321 Baumann-Pauly, D., Scherer, A.G., Palazzo, G. (2013): Organizational Implications of Managing Corporate Legitimacy in Complex Environments – A Longitudinal Case Study of Puma
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319 Splitter, V., Van Aaken, D., Seidl, D. (2012): Why Do Corporate Actors Engage in Pro-Social Behavior? A Bourdieusian Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility
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318 Wickert, C., Vaccaro, A. (2012): Organizational Identity Orientation and the Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility: Symbolic, Selective, or Substantial?
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317 Werle, F., Seidl, D. (2012): Inter-Organizational Strategizing as Extension of Sensemaking Capacities.
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316 Schembera, S. (2012): Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Insights on the Impact and Accountability of the UN Global Compact.
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315 Dietl, H. M., Lang, M., Lin, P. (2012): The Effects of Introducing Advertising in Pay TV: A Model of Asymmetric Competition between Pay TV and Free TV.
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314 Deflorin, P., Dietl, H., Lang, M., Lucas, E. (2012): Determinants of the Optimal Network Configuration and the Implications for Coordination.
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313 Dietl, H., Grossmann, M., Lang, M., Wey, S. (2012): Incentive Effects of Bonus Taxes in a Principal-Agent Model.
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312 Dietl, H. M., Lang, M., Lucas, E., Martignoni, D. (2012): Learning through Inaccurate Replication.
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311 van Aaken, D., Koob, C., Rost, K., Seidl, D. (2012): Ausgestaltung und Erfolg von Strategieworkshops: Eine empirische Analyse (Forms and Success of Strategy Workshops: An Empirical Study).
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310 MacLean, D., MacIntosh, R., Seidl, D. (2012): Thinking Inside the Box: Linking Dynamic Capabilities to Theories of Action.
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309 Olivares, M., Schenker-Wicki, A. (2012): The Dynamics of Productivity in the Swiss and German University Sector: A Non-Parametric Analysis that Accounts for Heterogeneous Production.
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308 Voegtlin, C., Kaufmann, I. M. (2012): Leadership and Legitimacy.
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307 Patzer, M., Voegtlin, C., Scherer, A. G. (2012): Responsible Leadership and the Political Role of Global Business.
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306 Scherer, A. G., Palazzo, G., Seidl, D. (2012): Managing Legitimacy in Complex and Heterogeneous Environments: Sustainable Development in a Globalized World.
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305 Haack, P., Martignoni, D., Schoeneborn, D. (2012): Corporate Responsibility as Myth and Ceremony: Bad, But Not for Good.
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304 Vasquez, C., Schoeneborn, D., Sergi, V. (2012): Project Organizing as Negotiation of (Dis)Ordering.
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303 Zweifel, P., Pfaff, D., Kühn, J. (2012): Why Solvency Regulation of Banks fails to Reach Its Objective.
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302 Guérard S., Bode, C., Gustafsson, R. (2012): Framing Contests and Institutional Change: The Case of the Automotive Field and the Environmental Movement in Germany.
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301 Guérard, S., Langley, A. (2012): Testing, Contesting and Legitimizing Technology Diffusion in Regulated Environments.
Available at SSRN

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