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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

Harry J. VanBuren III & Michelle Greenwood; Nicola M. Pless & Thomas Maak; Anne-Laure Winkler & Miguel Alzola; David Guest & Chris Woodrow; Marian Crowley-Henry, Paul F. Donnelly, & David Weir; Andreas Georg Scherer & Christian Voegtlin; Discussant: Jan Schapper, “An Ethical Future for HRM: Philosophical, Political, and Human Considerations”, Symposium at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (sponsoring divisions: HR, SIM), San Antonio, TX, Aug 14-16, 2011, Symposium Co-chairs: Harry J. Van Buren II, Michelle Greenwood.

Harry J. VanBuren III & Michelle Greenwood; Nicola M. Pless & Thomas Maak; Anne-Laure Winkler & Miguel Alzola; David Guest & Chris Woodrow; Marian Crowley-Henry, Paul F. Donnelly, & David Weir; Andreas Georg Scherer & Christian Voegtlin; Discussant: Jan Schapper, “An Ethical Future for HRM: Philosophical, Political, and Human Considerations”, Symposium at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (sponsoring divisions: HR, SIM), San Antonio, TX, Aug 14-16, 2011, Symposium Co-chairs: Harry J. Van Buren II, Michelle Greenwood. Academy of Management


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