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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

Andreas Butz, Ina Maria Kaufmann and Christian Voegtlin, presented at the EGOS 2011 Colloquium, Gothenburg (Sweden), July 7-9, 2011 (Sub-theme/workshop 43: Transnational Social Movements and Global Value Chains)

Andreas Butz, Ina Maria Kaufmann and Christian Voegtlin: "Asking Questions and Raising Concerns - The Case of BP as a Matter of Compliance versus Integrity", paper presented at the EGOS 2011 Colloquium, Gothenburg (Sweden), July 7-9, 2011 (Sub-theme/workshop 43: Transnational Social Movements and Global Value Chains).


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