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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Business and Personnel Economics

Minor Program "Managing Education"

The Master's program in Business and Economics is divided into a major and a minor program, which you can choose according to your strengths and interests.

"Managing Education" is one of the minor programs offered. In highly developed national economies, human resources represent the driving force behind economic growth, innovation, and the ability to compete on an international stage – making them crucial to the prosperity of a nation. In the Minor program "Managing Education" you will learn the most efficient ways in which these resources can be provided through a wide range of educational methods, and the most effective ways of coordinating the educational institutions involved.

More information on the Minor program "Managing Education"


Here you can find an overview of the courses that are eligible in the minor area "Managing Education":

Spring semester:

Personnel and Education Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses, Part 1

Education and Innovation: An Introduction to Empirical Foundations

Educational Policy and Governance

Managing Education and Training in Firms / for Firms

Economics of Gender in Education and Labor Markets (will not take place spring term 2024)

Corporate Social Responsibility


Fall semester:

Personnel and Education Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses, Part 2 (will not take place fall term 2024)

ME1: Personnel Economics

Youth Labor Market Outcomes, Institutions and Governance of Education and Training Systems (ETH course eligigble for credit transfer)

Education and Innovation: An Introduction to Empirical Foundations

On-the-job Training: Individual Gains, Firms' Profits & Labor Market Policies

Coaching für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

Economics of Child and Youth Development

The Economics of Human Capital


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Professur für BWL, insb. Empirische Methodik der Arbeitsbeziehungen und der Personalökonomik
Plattenstrasse 14
CH-8032 Zürich
Phone: + 41 (0)44 634 42 81