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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Accounting

Empirical Research on Financial Reporting, Disclosure and Capital Market Regulation

Lecturer Prof. Dr. Christian Leuz (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
Lecture ID 4297 / DOEC0337
Category Seminar
Course of Studies Doctoral program in Business Administration
Part of PhD: Required elective module Business
PhD: Required elective module Banking and Finance
PhD: Required elective module Management Economics
PhD: Required elective module Economomy
Assessment Components
  • referee report or essay
  • oral presentation
  • presence and active participation during the seminar
Credits 3 ECTS
Date / Time / Room
Date Time Room
Sep 04, 2012 10:30am - 3:00pm PLD-E-04
Sep 05, 2012 09:00am - 3:00pm PLD-E-04
Sep 06, 2012 09:00am - 3:00pm PLD-E-04
Course description The course is designed for Ph.D. students in accounting, finance and related fields. Its primary objective is to advance your understanding of how to conduct empirical research in the areas of financial accounting and corporate finance. The focus of the course is on the role of financial reporting, corporate disclosure in capital markets and in capital market regulation.
Prerequisites Doctoral students
Language English
Application The period of registration has expired on June 18.
Course Coordinator Ruta Bilkeviciute

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