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Department of Business Administration Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership

Selina Jacobi

Selina Jacobi

  • Semester Assistant
Room number
PLR - J114

Selina Jacobi

Selina joined the Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership as a Semester Assistant in July 2021. Since summer 2022, she holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration (major) and Environmental Sciences (minor) at the University of Zurich. Currently, she is completing her master studies in Business Administration and Marketing.

She is particularly interested in gaining knowledge about leadership, emotional intelligence, and social dynamics in organizations. In her bachelor's thesis, she explored how female leaders can better cope with stigmatized attributes. In her master's thesis, she evaluates leader emotions based on gender.

Personally, Selina enjoys spending time in the mountains, especially climbing and ski touring. Back at home, she likes swimming, reading, and spending time with family and friends.