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Department of Business Administration Mathematics for Business and Economics

Additional Information Mathematik I & II

These details complement the information on the website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at UZH. For any questions, please post in the Moodle forum and avoid sending emails.

The course Mathematics I is offered in the fall semester, and the course Mathematics II is offered in the spring semester. These courses are mandatory in the assessment stage of the Bachelor's program in Business and Economics and Informatics. Each week, they include a two-hour lecture and a two-hour tutorial. In each semester, 6 ECTS points can be earned through an exam. Official information regarding assessment exams can be found on the Dean's Office page. Please note that both the course and the examination are conducted in German. Dean's Office page.

Detailed information on content and organization can be found in the Moodle course Mathematics I or II on the e-learning platform Moodle. To access the Moodle course, you must enroll in Mathematics I or II using the module booking tool. The day after booking, you can access the campus course Mathematics I or II on OLAT, which will then provide you with the enrollment key for the Moodle course.


Through the lectures and exercises in the Mathematics courses at the assessment stage, students should become acquainted with mathematical concepts and techniques essential as foundational knowledge for their further studies. The specific objectives include:

a) Understanding economic problems and texts involving mathematical content.

b) Formulating economic relationships in quantitative terms.

c) Mastering the mathematical tools required in other courses.

Content and Study Resources

Lecture slides and scripts will be provided in the respective Moodle course and are considered mandatory reading. Supplementary literature references are provided in the script.

The exercises are a crucial complement to the lecture. The operation of the exercises will be explained in more detail at the beginning of the semester in the lecture and in the groups. Enrollment in the exercise groups is done through the Moodle course. You can also find the current exercise assignments and all other materials in the Moodle course.

We particularly recommend utilizing the extensive e-learning offerings in the Moodle course, with the completion of weekly online quizzes serving as an ideal exam preparation.

A podcast of the lecture will be available, and, in addition to the ongoing material in face-to-face sessions, numerous exercise assignments can be independently solved. Furthermore, we provide a supplementary video each week for a selected exercise. Several discussion forums, monitored by assistants, are also set up. Kindly post your questions directly in the forum and avoid sending emails whenever possible.

Office hours

The times for office hours during each semester will be published on Moodle.

Location of office hours:
Institute of Business Administration, PLR, Floor F, Seminar Room 111, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zurich.