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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

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In order to get an idea of what Bachelor and Master theses at our Chair look like, you can download here some exemplary theses. Please note that the theses serve orientation purposes only (i.e. they serve as orientation for the structure of a thesis but might contain flaws regarding the content)


Exemplary thesis (PDF, 2 MB)

This exemplary thesis is a particularly good in terms of demonstrating a detailed understanding of the relevant literature, providing a rigorous qualitative study with five extensive interviews (including a pretest), and  a systematica analysis of the data according to various pre-defined steps. In addition, the thesis provides a coherent summary and reflects on the methodological approach used to answer the research question. However, in this thesis, the results of the empirical analysis could be better related back to the theoretical findings and the literature. Also, the thesis could have discussed the literature and the interviews more critically.


Exemplary thesis II (PDF, 879 KB)

This exemplary thesis is particularly good in terms of the literature review, personal contribution and reflection of the limits of the thesis. Despite these main strengths of the thesis, the theory could be applied more substantively and the limits of the application could be assessed more critically.


Exemplary exposé (PDF, 283 KB)

Exemplary thesis III (PDF, 3 MB)

This exemplary thesis is particularly good in terms of a very thorough and extensive engagement with the literature and a detailed and reflective description of the methodological approach. Based on the results of the ten exceptionally long interviews, the author independently develops a model that effectively summarizes the study’s interesting and meaningful insights. Yet, the thesis could have focused more systematically on the relevant aspects directly related to the research question.


Junior Management Science is the academic journal to publish outstanding theses in business and management. Further exemplary theses can be found on the their website JUMS - get inspired!

Please find here the guidelines for writing a semester or final thesis, the general criteria for evaluation as well as the expected learning outcomes.

Guidelines for semester and final thesis (PDF, 90 KB)

Guidelines for the usage of Artificial Intelligence (PDF, 250 KB)

General criteria for evaluation (PDF, 55 KB)

Learning Outcomes BA and MA (PDF, 14 KB)