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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop:
Taking stock and moving forward
25-26 June 2025

Richard Whittington, Violetta Splitter, David Seild, Robin Engelbach, Winky Wu, Theresa Langenmayr

This workshop aims to bring together Open Strategy scholars and practitioners to discuss ongoing and future research projects. The goal of the organizers is to provide a platform for collaborative discussions on the present landscape and the prospective development of Open Strategy research.

Last Year's Keynote Speakers:

Open Strategy Workshop Experts


Hosts: University of Oxford & University of Zurich
Date: 25-26 June, 2025

Venue: University of Oxford (Location)
Fee & catering: No registration fee & catering included

Program: To be announced soon


Participation: We warmly invite your participation in the event through the registration form below. Please be aware of the deadline for submitting contributions for the poster sessions. On-site capacity is limited for participants not presenting a poster. In our interest to enable everyone to follow the event, we will try to provide a live stream of the event.

Event Registration: Registration page
Open Strategy Network: Website
Workshop Program:  To be announced 
Poster Session Allocation:
To be announced



Key dates:
January 26, 2025                Submission deadline (extended abstracts for poster sessions)

Early-April, 2025               Decision (Accept/Reject)

June 15, 2025                     Submission deadline (for poster printing by the organizers)

25-26 June, 2025                Workshop


Contact: Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via


More information will follow soon.