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Department of Business Administration

Managing Diversity in Teaching

Managing Diversity: A multifaceted degree program at the University of Zurich

Today’s work in modern companies requires managers possessing a multiplicity of skills. In addition to their expertise in leadership skills, managers bring knowledge from other branches of science to the table. Meeting these multifaceted requirements is the objective of all degree programs offered by our department. We call this objective and our goal of fulfilling it Managing Diversity.

Studying at the Department of Business Administration (IBW) offers students the benefits of attending one of the largest universities in Switzerland, which is also one of the world’s top sixty universities, according to the Shanghai Ranking list. The source of the academic strength of the University of Zurich (UZH) lies in its various departments and their collaboration with each other. To make this potential accessible to our students, we offer them the opportunity to attend lectures offered by the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, adjoining faculties, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). We also place great value on collaboration with partner universities at home and abroad and on cooperation with internationally recognized researchers and experts on management practices.

The degree programs offered by our department focus on a broad-based curriculum that trains our students in accounting and auditing (BWL 1), banking and corporate finance (BWL 2), organization and human resources (BWL 3), marketing (BWL 4), business policy and governance (BWL 5), and management science (BWL 6). Furthermore, all students can supplement their studies in these core areas of our department with additional courses from other departments in line with their individual interests. These areas comprise related fields such as economics, information technology, and law, as well as less related fields such as psychology, theology, and medicine.

We also want our students and future managers to broaden their cultural horizons and thus extensively enhance their soft skills. To this end, we offer an increasing range of international university exchange programs. Our contacts with experts in the field enable students to apply their knowledge and to thus experience business administration in real life.

In sum, Managing Diversity at the University of Zurich (UZH) means incorporating comprehensive professional and cultural offerings into our teaching and research concept. Through that combination, we provide students the possibility of obtaining initial and advanced training in accordance with their personal goals and ideas.