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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

Guest Lecture by Felix Langenmayr

Just before Easter we had the great pleasure to welcome Dr. Felix Langenmayr, Head of Business Transformation at 20 Minuten Group, to our Lecture «Organisation und Führung» (“Organization and Leadership”) at the University of Zurich.

After a short introduction and company presentation, Felix provided the more than 200 students with practical insights on the professionalization of management and organization. In particular, Felix shared how TX Group AG deals with market challenges by engaging in continuous business transformation efforts that allow the organization to stay on top of the complex business environment. Providing insights from his longtime experience with business transformation at TX Group, Felix explained how different types of consulting can help in such transformation processes.

With his presentation, Felix provided students with first-hand insights on the professionalization of organizational transformation, highlighting the role of in-house, hybrid, and external consulting in this regard.

We thank Felix, who is a Chair alum and will always be part of our dear Chair family, for joining our lecture and for illustrating so vividly the content of the second module of the course with his experience as consultant and business transformation expert.
