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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Services & Operations Management

Managing Bitcoin- and Ethereum-based Services (S)


1. Introduction

22MO0220, 6 ECTS Master Seminar

Syllabus MBES 2025 (PDF, 152 KB)

The financial world has been disrupted by the emergence of cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin and Ethereum emerging as the foremost leaders of this digital revolution. As these decentralized digital assets gain traction, the underlying services and platforms built around them have become central to shaping the future of finance, management, and even governance. This surge in digital assets is not just a trend; it reflects a broader shift in the way we perceive value, transact, and conduct business.

In this seminar, we aim to explore the intricacies of managing services built on these two dominant blockchain platforms. Throughout the course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the economic dynamics driving the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems, explore the challenges and opportunities they present, and examine the evolving business models that result. By the end of the seminar, students will be equipped with a solid understanding of how to manage, innovate, and lead in an era dominated by blockchain-based services. This knowledge is paramount for any forward-thinking individual ready to navigate the future of the digital economy.

Prof. Dr. Helmut Dietl, University of Zurich

Dr. Marco Henriques Pereira, University of Zurich


2. Learning goals

After the seminar students understand

  • the economic development of the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems
  • the potential of blockchain technology for service innovations
  • the competitive forces driving blockchain-based service innovations
  • the disruption of existing service industries by blockchain- based services
  • how to develop promising startup ideas in the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems

3. Application process

Deadline: December 31, 2024

Form: Apply via this Google Form. Please prepare yourself for the information day by reading the Bitcoin and the Ethereum white papers.

The number of participants is limited. In the event of excess demand, we will select the participants based on the motivation statements provided in the Google Form. We will notify all students if their application is accepted by January 7, 2025. After receiving the confirmation of admission, an additional registration in the module booking tool of the UZH is necessary (please note deadlines).

4. Dates and location

  • Information session: 13.01.2025; 13:00 – 14:00 (PLM-1-103/104)

  • Day 1: 24.02.2025; 13:00 – 17:00 (KOL-G-217)
  • Day 2: 25.02.2025; 13:00 – 17:00 (KO2-G-275)
  • Day 3: 07.04.2025; 13:00 – 17:00 (KOL-G-217)
  • Day 4: 08.04.2025; 13:00 – 17:00 (KOL-G-212)
  • Deadline papers: 22.05.2025 (23:59)

5. Overview

(i) Information session: We meet on January 13, 2025, at 13.00 - 14.00 CET (PLM-103/104) for the introduction to the seminar where you will form groups and select your Bitcoin- and Ethereum-based services of choice. Registering of groups and topic choices no later than Monday, January 20, 2025.

(ii) Business models: Students will analyze two business models (one Bitcoin-based and one Ethereum-based) in groups (preferred group size is 2-3, but may vary depending on the number of applications). Each group will analyze and present their two selected services and provide feedback to the other groups. At the end, each group will submit two papers summarizing the two services (content from the presentations, further context, and incorporated feedback from peers).

(iii) Seminar (see course catalogue). The first part of the seminar (presentations of Bitcoin-based services) takes place on February 24, 2025, and February 25, 2025. The second part of the seminar (presentations of Ethereum-based services) takes place on April 7, 2025, and April 8, 2025. Students will present and discuss the analyzed business models.

6. Assessment

You will have to analyze and present one business model for a Bitcoin-based service and one for an Ethereum-based service. You will provide feedback on your peers' presentations. Finally, you will write two papers summarizing the two business models. We will grade your presentations (45%), your papers (45%), and your participation (10%).


  • Select a Bitcoin- and an Ethereum-based service
  • Present the service (the business model): Which problem does it solve?
  • Explain the service (the business model)
  • Business analysis of the service: What scientific method do you use?
  • Reflection on the analysis

7. Presentations and papers

Presentations: Each presentation will last approx. 30 minutes. The presentations should be logically structured with a common thread. It is important to emphasize what is the innovation/advantage/USP of the chosen service and how it differs from traditional/similar services (if any). You will also provide feedback on your peers' presentations.

Papers: Papers are due by Thursday, May 22, 2025 (23.59 CET). The papers should not exceed 5'000 words (excl. title page, references, appendix etc.). Please send a PDF version of your paper to The style of the manuscript should follow the current APA scientific guidelines.

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Contact & Location

University of Zurich
Department of Business Administration
Chair of Services & Operations Management 
Plattenstrasse 14
CH-8032 Zurich
Phone:   +41 (0)44 634 53 11 
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