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Bettina Klose has been affiliated with the Chair of Entrepreneurship since Spring of 2010 when she first joined as a post doctoral researcher. Bettina holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Economics from Bielefeld University (2006, Bielefeld, Germany) and a M.Sc. in Economics from Purdue University (2008, West Lafayette, IN, USA). She attained her Ph.D. from Purdue University in July of 2010. Her dissertation work centers around All-Pay Auctions with Identity-Dependent Externalities, which she studies both theoretically and experimentally. Her research interests span the areas of Microeconomic Theory and its applications, focusing particularly on Industrial Organization, Game Theory, Political Economy, and Experimental Economics.
Bettina currently works jointly with Prof. Ulrich Kaiser and Dr. Hannes Ullrich on the project Governmental Intervention in Pharmaceutical Markets, for which the three have won the SNSF grant number 135257.
For further information please visit Bettina's Personal Website or refer to her
• Klose, B. and D. Kovenock, Extremism Drives Out Moderation, CESifo Working Paper No. 3804
• Klose, B. and P.Schweinzer, Auctioning Risk: The All-Pay Auction under Mean-Variance Preferences,
The University of York Discussion Paper No. 12/32
• Klose, B. and D. Kovenock, The All-Pay Auction with Complete Information and Identity-Dependent Externalities,
University of Zurich Economics Working Paper No. 118
• Klose, B. and R. Sheremeta, Behavior in All-Pay and Winner-Pay Auctions with Identity-Dependent Externalities