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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

Successful seminar on "Current Topics in Management and Business Ethics: Creative Research on Leadership" with Prof. Dr. Mats Alvesson

We were highly delighted that Professor Mats Alvesson visited us to hold a seminar for doctoral students on “Current Topics in Management and Business Ethics: Creative Research on Leadership.”

Professor Alvesson is a renowned management scholar and teaches business administration at the Lund University. He is particularly known for having made key contributions in forming the field of critical management studies. His research interests include critical theory, gender, power, leadership, identity, and organizational image and culture. 

The seminar took place with participants from different universities across Switzerland and focused on reflexive and creative research on leadership and management as well as on developing students research capabilities. Within the four days of the seminar, we got familiar with concepts, theories and findings in management and business ethics pertaining to creative research on leadership.

In addition to the seminar content, Professor Alvesson also offered students the unique opportunity to attend individual coaching sessions where they could discuss their current research projects with him.

Overall, the seminar was very insightful and inspiring, and we are very glad that Professor Alvesson visited us for this occasion.

By Dorothee Winkler


Group picture Aguilera Seminar

