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Department of Business Administration Management and Economics of Digital Transformation

Organizational Economics (L&E)

Course Outline

This course offers an economic perspective on platforms as a new form of organization. Economic activity has become increasingly digital, and online platforms have now become an essential part of the economy. Digital platforms disrupt existing markets but also create new ones, raising a series of important questions related to firms’ management and competitive strategy. The course will present and discuss the key concepts that dictate and shape platforms and platform markets. These concepts will be discussed using both theoretical economic models as well as empirical evidence based on academic research. Industry cases will also be discussed.

Course Schedule

  Time Room
Lecture (Fridays) 10h15 - 12h00 RAK-E-8 (Hörsaal)
Tutorials (Wednesdays) 14h00 - 15h45 KOL-F-104
Podcasts will be available for both the lecture and the tutorials.
The first tutorial will take place on Wednesday February 26.
There will be no tutorial on February 19.


The assessment will be based on a final written exam which will take place on Friday, June 20, 2025 10.15-12.00.

The exam will be closed-book and will take place on-site.

Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Dr. Luis Aguiar

Fridays 10h15 - 12h00

Room: RAK-E-8 (Hörsaal)


Podcasts will be made available on OLAT.


Link to VVZ


Marita Freimane

Wednesdays 14h00 - 15h45

Room: KOL-F-104

Tutorial podcasts will be made available on OLAT.

The first tutorial will take place on Wednesday February 26.

There will be no tutorial on February 19.

Course Material

All course material - including the podcasts - will be made available on OLAT under the course name "25FS 22MO0003 ME3: Organizational Economics (L)"