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We handle the registration and submission of final theses via OLAT. Information is available under the following website:
In general, the regulations of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics (Program regulations) apply. The Faculty describes the overall process for writing Bachelor's and Master's theses (Fact sheet). Keep in mind to plan the completion of your degree by taking the published degree deadlines into consideration.
Specific requirements for the preparation of theses at the Chair of Strategic Management and Business Policy are explained below.
To apply for writing a thesis at the Chair, students have to go through the following three steps:
1. Verify the minimal requirements (see below «1. Eligibility»)
2. Fill out the Application Form, which consists of three parts (see below «2. Application Form»):
3. Send the filled Application Form together with the current Summary of Credits, which can be downloaded here, per E-Mail to us (see below «3. Sending the application»).
For an overview of the full procedure for completing a Bachelor's or Master's at the Chair, also read the Procedure for writing a thesis (in German) (XLSX, 13 KB).
1. Eligibility
Before preparing the application for writing a thesis at our Chair, students should verify that the following minimal requirements are met:
- Bachelor's thesis: successful completion of at least two Bachelor level courses, either a lecture or a seminar offered by the Chair.
- Master's thesis: successful completion of at least one Master level course, either a lecture or a seminar offered by the Chair, or of a Bachelor's thesis at the Chair.
2. Application Form
Students who are interested in writing a thesis at the Chair must first draft a Research Proposal («Disposition»), which is the most important part of the Application Form (in German) (DOCX, 89 KB). The students should define the topic of interest, develop a research question, form the hypotheses, and plan the practical execution of the thesis (methodology, data collection, plan, etc.). It is fundamental that the proposed topic matches one of our fields of research: Strategic Management, Business Policy, Sports Economics, Betting Markets, Decision-making under risk, or Corporate Governance. For an overview of the publications of Prof. Dr. Egon Franck, see this Publications list. Upon approval, students can also write a thesis in collaboration with a company (e.g., if they are doing an internship).
Part III of the Application Form contains useful practical advices on how to write the Research Proposal. Students should write their Research Proposal directly in the Application Form. Please keep the format.
3. Sending the application
When all documents are ready, please send the Application Form together with the current Summary of Credits to
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Guideline with the formal requirements
For the formal preparation of Bachelor's or Master's theses, the following Chair's guidelines apply (in German): Procedure for writing a thesis (DOCX, 51 KB). The number of text pages is approx. 40 for a Bachelor's thesis and approx. 60 for Master's thesis.
The following theses (WebPass-Login - in German) can be used as a reference regarding formatting, citing, writing a bibliography, etc.
Books from the Chair's library are also available for students upon request. Please, find a list here (PDF, 77 KB) and write an E-Mail to the Secretary to check their availability.
To use correct scientific citations is key to avoid plagiarism. Read What is plagiarism? and the Fact sheet on plagiarism (PDF, 111 KB). To help the students writing a thesis with us, we have prepared this Citation Guideline (PDF, 283 KB) (in German).
A thesis in 40 steps
Writing a thesis is a complex work that requires multiple steps, from drafting a title to proof-reading the thesis: Writing a thesis in 40 steps (PNG, 528 KB) (note that not all the steps apply for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis).