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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Chair of Marketing for Social Impact




An educational objective is a desired or required result that must be achieved by students within a specific time to indicate academic achievement. It therefore corresponds to our teaching strategy progress from the actual towards the desired state.

Our 10 teaching objectives are:

  1. To choose suitable teaching and learning methods that fit the student’s needs, that correspond with the objectives of the different courses, and that train students at all levels.
  2. To choose suitable evaluation methods integrated into the courses and to ensure that the pre-defined objectives can be reached by the students.
  3. To define all course objectives, content, expectations and evaluations in the syllabus prior to the courses.
  4. To offer possibilities to develop knowledge, appreciation and intellectual abilities, to develop transferable abilities as well as values, motivation and attitudes to learn.
  5. To use different teaching, learning and evaluation methods, with the aim of creating an innovative and flexible working atmosphere in the classroom and motivate reflections.
  6. To create an interactive teaching style in the classroom by which students can communicate with each other and reflect on the current topics.
  7. To support self-driven studies based on existing literature.
  8. To inspire the classes through current developments, practical problems faced by industry, and state-of-the art research methods.Case study methods form the framework for each class.
  9. To motivate the enthusiasm for the topic.
  10. To inspire our students to qualify for international specialist and executive positions in science, marketing and market research.