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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Chair of Marketing for Social Impact

Teaching Philosophy


“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”




An educational philosophy is our reflection on why, how and when we educate our students to advance knowledge and educate our students in marketing, market research, statistics, consumer behavior and consumer psychology.

Education is the soul of society. The interplay of teaching and learning is its heart. And passion is the motivation.

Unfortunately, my feeling is that many (classroom) presentations are not motivating and not creative at all and don't engage students. As a consequence, students often only learn for exams instead of doing something remarkable that surpasses expectations. Education, therefore, is not what one knows or memorizes. It is about learning how to think and act. Learning means actively doing things and findings things out. With respect to Piaget, my philosophy, therefore, is that in everything I teach, students cannot learn.

As an educator, I strive to create conditions in which my students enjoy learning.

In our team, the experience with learning at the University and especially learning statistics has been an exciting journey, and we would like you to experience that journey as well. Although yours will and should be different from ours, it is important for us NOT to TEACH you but to offer you challenges and opportunities to learn. We always try to create an experiential learning environment where students are able to experience marketing directly and build meaning on their own. As we also need (and want) to learn a lot more in life, please be patient with us, but at the same time, don’t hesitate to give us feedback on everything you are thinking about in the professional sphere that is relevant to the course. Our final objective is to support you in making responsible and thoughtful decisions (in marketing and consumer research). To reach this objective, we will try to push you professionally as hard as possible, offering many opportunities to learn in a pleasant atmosphere. Therefore our thoughts about education can be translated into our teaching objectives and teaching principles. Have fun to further discovering our ideas