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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Chair of Marketing for Social Impact


Marketing Minor

The minor study program in Business Administration will open lots of doors for you: Knowledge of business administration will complement your chosen major and is in demand and of huge benefit in all kinds of careers and industries. For more information, please have a look here.

Students who are interested to participate in classes within the Minor in Marketing must ensure to fulfill the requirements for each class (in particular, with regards to the classes in the BMC bucket). If in doubt, please contact the lecturer of the specific course.

Past Courses

Below is an overview of courses offered in previous semesters.

Spring 2023

Personal Branding Applications

Marketing Analytics

R - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing


R - A non-technical introduction to big data, team work and interactive visualization with applications to Marketing

Marketing Experiments


Fall 2022

Personal Branding and Digital Marketing

Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age

Social Dynamics

Prototyping data science products

Python - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing

Digital Marketing Applications

Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing


Spring 2022

R - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing

Marketing Analytics

Personal Branding Applications


R - A non-technical introduction to big data, team work and interactive visualization with applications to Marketing

Marketing Experiments


Fall 2021

Personal Branding and Digital Marketing
Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age


Marketing for sustainable consumption
Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing
Python - A non-technical introduction with application to Marketing
Digital Marketing Applications
Network Science for Business, Economics, Informatics and Social Sciences
Prototyping data science products
Leveraging data to create business value - 11 UZH alumnis report how businesses do data-driven decision making

PhD Seminar guest lecture:

SHIFTing Consumer Behaviour to be More Sustainable


Spring 2021

Marketing Analytics
R - A non technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Personal Branding Applications

Marketing Experiments
R - A non-technical introduction to big data, team work and interactive visualization with applications to Marketing
Agent-based modeling seminar for Business, Economics and Social Science
How to use Deep Learning for Marketing?


Fall 2020

R - a non-technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Personal Branding and Digital Marketing
Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age

Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing
Python - A non-technical introduction with application to Marketing
Digital Marketing Applications
Network Science for Business, Economics, Informatics and Social Sciences
Advanced Marketing Mix Modeling
Prototyping data science products


Spring 2020

Marketing Analytics
R - A non technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Introduction to Economics of Blockchain
Marketing Mix Modeling
Deep Dive into Blockchain - Linking Economics, Technology and Law

Marketing Experiments
R - A non-technical introduction to big data, team work and interactive visualization with applications to Marketing
Agent-based modeling seminar for Business, Economics and Social Science
How to use Deep Learning for Marketing?


Fall 2019

R - A non-technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Personal Branding and Digital Marketing
Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age

Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing
Python - A non-technical introduction with application to Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Network Science for Business, Economics, Informatics and Social Scienes
Advanced Marketing Mix Modeling


Spring 2019

Marketing Analytics
R - A non technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Introduction to Economics of Blockchain
Marketing Mix Modeling

Marketing Experiments
Python - A non-technical Introduction to big data techniques, team work and interactive visualization with applications to Marketing
Agent-based modeling seminar for Business, Economics and Social Science


Fall 2018

R - A non-technical Introduction with applications to Marketing
Personal Branding and Social Media
Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age

Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction with applications to Marketing
Python - A non-technical introduction with application to Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Network Analytics for Marketing and Business


Spring 2018

Marketing Analytics
A non technical Introduction to R
Introduction to Economics of Blockchain

Advanced Marketing Mix Modeling
Marketing Experiments
R - A non-technical Introduction to big data techniques, team work and interactive visualization
Agent-based modeling for Business, Economics and Social Science Marketing Experiments
Guest Lecture Series: Demystifying the role of data science for marketing: What do you actually do in the sexiest Job of the 21st century?


Fall 2017

A non-technical Introduction to R

Machine Learning - A non-technical introduction
Python - A non-technical introduction
Social Media Marketing
Network Theory and Analytics


Spring 2017

Marketing Analytics I

Digital transformation - Why and how firms must adapt the way they do business
Discrete Choice Modeling in Marketing
R - A non-technical Introduction to big data techniques, team work and interactive visualization
Agent-based modelling for Business, Economics and Social Science