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Department of Business Administration Chair of Business Economics with a Focus on Personnel Economics and the Economics of (Vocational) Education


If you are interested in writing a BA or MA thesis at the chair, please read carefully Thesis Guideline (PDF, 113 KB) which provides information on how to apply.

At the moment, we have the following thesis topic available: Occupational choice in Switzerland.

For this topic, you will take part in the preparations of one of our research projects or analyze already collected data, depending on your skills and preferences. Current projects cover topics like stereotypes, parents' role in their children's choice of occupation, social skills, health and care professions. These projects take place in the field and through online surveys. Tasks might include coding, conducting, and analyzing a survey among a sample of adolescents in Switzerland, as well as field work.

Required skills: good programming skills and preferably proficiency in German (but more basic German skills are also fine).