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Department of Business Administration

News list

  • Reinhold Kesler Appointed Assistant Professor of Economics at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)

    Dr. Kesler

  • David Seidl Honored with International Trailblazer Award

    Prof. David Seidl

  • 3rd Lecture on Leadership in the Future of Work - Book your seat now!

     Catrin Hinkel, CEO Microsoft Switzerland

  • Dr. Manuel Sebastian Mariani has a new publication in "Technological Forecasting and Social Change"

    Dr. Manuel Sebastian Mariani

  • Alumni Refresher "Best of EMBA UZH"

    Prof. Dr. Christiane Barz

  • Honorary Doctorate Awarded to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margit Osterloh

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margit Osterloh