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Department of Business Administration Chair of Business Economics with a Focus on Personnel Economics and the Economics of (Vocational) Education

Anne Ardila  Brenøe

Anne Ardila Brenøe, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor of Business Economics with a focus on Personnel Economics and Economics of (Vocational) Education
Plattenstrasse 14, CH-8032 Zürich
Room number

Anne Ardila Brenøe is an Associate Professor of Business Economics at the Department of Business Administration, University of Zurich. Previously, she was the Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Zurich. She is a research affiliate of the Jacobs Center, the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI), the LRF Center for Economics of Breastfeeding, and the Life Course Centre. She earned her PhD in Economics from the University of Copenhagen in 2018.

Her research is embedded in the broader field of labor economics, with a focus on personnel and education economics. She studies topics such as occupational choice, skill allocation, and gender inequality. Her current research explores questions including:

  • How can we improve the allocation of skills in the labor market?
  • What explains occupational sorting by gender?
  • How can we broaden students’ occupational search?
  • How do firms adjust to worker absence?