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Department of Business Administration Chair of Marketing

Bachelor's and Master's Theses

Application Process

Students who are interested in writing their Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis at the Chair of Marketing (Prof. Dr. Martin Natter) and the Chair of Marketing in the Digital Economy (Prof. Dr. Andrea-Giuffredi Kähr) have to follow our application process:

  Spring Fall

Preparation: familiarize yourself with prerequisites and dates, choose  topics, prepare documents

March September
Application Period* 15 - 30 April 15 - 31 October
Notification ** mid-May mid-November
Mandatory introductory course 11.06.2025, 14:00-16:00 in room PLM 103/4 mid-December
Registration in OLAT early July mid-December

Estimated Start of Thesis***

early July


Estimated Thesis
Due Date****

early January

mid-June (following year)

* If the first day of the application period falls on a weekend or public holiday, the application period starts on the following weekday, the ending date doesn't change.

** All applicants receive a notification (either positive or negative) within two weeks after the application period. Please check your UZH e-mail account regularly during this period. If you get an offer for a supervision, please confirm it immediately or we'll have to assign it to someone else. 

*** Please note that the thesis start date (i.e. early July or mid-December) is fixed and cannot be changed.

**** It is the student's responsibility to meet the deadlines for targeted degree conferral date. (See: Chosing an earlier conferral date than planned by the supervisor is only possible if she or he agrees.



You can apply for a thesis at our chairs via the application form that will be published on this website during the application periods. For the application we require the following information:

  • Curriculum vitae (PDF-document)
  • Transcript of records (PDF-document)
  • Information about attended marketing courses
  • Information about programming skills (e.g., R, SPSS, Python) 
  • Optional: Own topic proposal (half to full page, PDF-document)
  • Confirmation to fulfill the following prerequisites:
    • Enough time to write a thesis: Writing a thesis is a full-time job. For a MA thesis you have to invest at least 900 hours (30 Credits * 30 h), for a BA thesis at least 540 hours (18 Credits * 30 h)
    • Completing the literature research course "Workshop: Literaturrecherche in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften" offered by the University library: You find the current dates of the courses and the booking here
    • Participating in our mandatory introductory course on how to write a thesis at our chairs (thesis structure, formalities and timeline): Date of the next course: see application process. The participation in this course is mandatory. If you don't participate we can't supervise your thesis and the topic assigned to you will be given to another student.


With the start of the application period, we publish a new list with topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses on this website. You have to indicate your top five topic preferences in the application form:

  • Please note that within two weeks after the application deadline, we will send you a notification if you have been accepted to write your thesis on one of your selected topics (see Notification Period). We will inform you about the exact topic two weeks before the official start date (see Registration of the Thesis via OLAT).
  • Thus it is important that you only select topics that you really want to write about. Otherwise enter a ‘0’ as your topic preference in the application form.
  • You can also select less than five topics. However, please note that the fewer topics you select, the lower your chances will be of writing a theses at our chairs.

Optionally, own topic proposal: You also have the option of submitting your own idea for a topic. If you would like to submit your own topic proposal, please inform yourself in advance about our research specializations on our websites. In this case, please enter ‘99’ as your preferred topic in the application form.

If you intend to publish your work, please suggest your own topic. In the case of topics suggested by the chair, publication is only permitted after prior clarification and written consent from the supervisor. Please note any publications must be authorized regardless of the origin of the topic.

Topic list_Bachelor's and Master's Theses_Chairs Prof. Dr. Martin Natter and Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr (PDF, 286 KB)

Notification Period

We will notify all applicants within two weeks after the application deadline whether they have been accepted to write a thesis at our chairs or not. Students that are accepted will not get to know to which of their selected topics they have been assigned to. Please check your UZH e-mails regularly during this period. If you do not confirm our acceptance in time, we have to pass it to someone else.

Registration of the Thesis via OLAT

Two weeks before the official start date, you will receive an e-mail with your final thesis topic and with information on how to register your thesis at the dean's office / in OLAT (at the beginning of July or the beginning of December).

After having completed the mandatory introductory course (beginning of July or mid-December), your supervisor will invite you to the OLAT course with an e-mail containing a link. You will have 24 hours to "pick up" your thesis topic on OLAT by conforming this link. In the moment you do so, the 6-month processing period begins. The final submission date will be announced on OLAT. The submission of the thesis and the announcement of the grade will also take place via OLAT.

Please note that the official thesis start date (i.e. beginning of July or mid-December) is fixed and cannot be changed.

The first meeting with the supervisor will take place as soon as the student has created an outline for the thesis.

Writing Process

Please familiarize yourself with the following documents before you start writing your thesis:

Guidelines for writing your Thesis, Chair Prof. Natter (PDF, 7 MB)

Publication of student theses (PDF, 87 KB)


Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the following document (only in German) if you have more questions concerning the application process:
Information on the application process for your Thesis including FAQs, Chair Prof. Natter (PDF, 94 KB)

Bachelor's and Master's Theses Application - Spring 2025

Please submit your application for writing your Bachelor's or Master's Thesis at the Chair of Marketing (Prof. Dr. Martin Natter) or the Chair of Marketing in the Digital Economy (Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr) from Tuesday, 15 April 2025, 00:00 to Wednesday, 30 April 2025, 23:59 by using our online application form here.

The online application form will be active and accessible on this website during the above given time window only. The first-come, first-served principle does not apply.

The submission of your application has been successful when you've received the following system message: "Thank you for your application! You will be notified within two weeks after the application deadline. If you don't confirm your acceptance in time, we have to pass it to someone else."








Weiterführende Informationen

Questions & Contact

For any questions regarding writing a thesis at our Chair, please consult the information published on this website, download fact sheets and guidelines.

If the above does not answer your questions, please contact us through e-mail.

Thesis in Business and Economics

Plan the completion of your degree in advance.

The thesis process will be conducted through OLAT.