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Susanna is the team-assistant and -coordinator. For the past ten years she has worked as a media-specialist for the Swiss Arts Council. In her doctoral thesis she was in search of the rockbottom of creation in modernist scandinavian novels. As mother of two small children she is constantly moving between the worlds of daily life, science and the arts. She asks you questions to find answers.
Curriculum Vitae
2009 | Team-assistant at the Chair of Marketing, University of Zurich |
2008 | Doctorate from the University of Zurich (nordic philology) |
2000-2009 | Media-specialist for Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council |
1998-1999 | Collaborator at the arts-laboratory "forumclaque" in Baden, Switzerland |
1993-1998 | Scientific assistant at the University of Zurich (nordic philology) |
1992 | lic.phil I at the University of Zurich (nordic philology, popular cultures and socialpsychology) |