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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel

Research Associate/PhD Student


Office: PLM J-423, Plattenstrasse 14
Orcid:  0000-0001-5306-2203
Tel.:       +41 (0)44 634 37 51

Research Interests

  • Strategy as Practice
  • Organization Theory
  • Methods of Theorizing
  • Theory and Practice
  • Theory of Society

Curriculum Vitae

2022-2023     Visiting Scholar, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford
Since 2019     Research Associate/PhD Student, Chair of Organization and Management, University of Zurich
2017-2018     Visiting Student Researcher, University of California, Berkeley
2016-2019     Graduate Studies in Philosophy and Sociology, LMU Munich
2012-2017     Research Assistant, Chair of Business Ethics and Global Governance, TU Munich
2014-2015     Exchange Student, King's College London
2012-2013     Exchange Student, Kyoto University
2010-2016     Undergraduate Studies in Philosophy, Economics, and Japanese Studies, LMU Munich

Selected Publications

Rachlitz, K., Grossmann-Hensel, B., & Gehrmann, J. (2024). Functional Theorizing. In: Anicker, F. &  Armbruster, A. (eds.) Die Praxis soziologischer Theoriebildung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 155-187.Link

Grossmann-Hensel, B. & Seidl, D. (2022). Problematizing the Relation Between Management Research and Practice. In: Neesham, C. (ed.) Handbook of Philosophy of Management. Cham: Springer, pp. 183-202. Link

Seidl, D., Grossmann-Hensel, B. & Jarzabkowski, P. (2021). Strategy as Practice and Routine Dynamics. In: Feldman, M. et al. (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 481-500. Link

Rachlitz, K., Grossmann-Hensel, B. & Friedl, R. (2021). The Demoralization of Society and the Proliferation of Organization. Kybernetes, 51 (5), pp. 1849-1867. Link

Grossmann-Hensel, B. (2020). Strategy as Practice and Routine Dynamics. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2020 (1). Link

Weiterführende Informationen

Academic Associations

Secretary, SAP IG @AoM (since 2023)
Member, International Sociological Association (since 2022)
Member, Academy of Management, European Group for Organizational Studies, Strategic Management Society (since 2020)
Fellow, Max Weber Program @German Academic Scholarship Foundation (2013-2018)

Ad Hoc Reviews

Encyclopedia of Strategy as Practice
Journal of Organizational Sociology
Soziale Systeme

Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meetings
Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference