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BWL III (V+Ü) (Business Administration III)
Seminar «Führung und Organisation im Team - praktisches Projektmanagement» (S)
ME1: Personnel Economics
Personnel and Education Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses, Part 2 (seminar does not take place)
Apprenticeship Training: Institutions and Markets
Microeconomic Foundations of Economics of Education
Discussion workshop: Personnel economics and economics of education HS24
Doktorandenseminar Personal- und Bildungsökonomik HS24 (Seminar: Personnel Economics and Economics of Education)
UZH Business Research Seminar
Office Professur für BWL, insb. Empirische Methodik der Arbeitsbeziehungen und der Personalökonomik Plattenstrasse 14 CH-8032 Zürich Phone: + 41 (0)44 634 42 81